

ACP联合了权力、资源和人员 整个beat365亚洲体育产业:能源储存, 陆基风力, 海上风力发电, 实用的太阳能, 清洁的氢, 和传输. We collaborate closely with our members to address their specific needs 和 equip them with the tools needed for growth 和 expansion in the U.S. 市场. 了解以下会员福利.


ACP代表了beat365亚洲体育领域800多家公司的声音, 符合美国的国家安全, 经济和气候目标快速增长, 低成本, 以及可靠的国内电力.

如今,beat365亚洲体育正在大规模运行.S. 预测表明 增长超过200% by 2032.

许多企业被投资 sectors—storage, wind, solar, 清洁的氢 和传输—a trend we expect will continue.

通过联合beat365亚洲体育行业和相关参与者的力量, we provide our members a higher ROI while fighting hard to make clean energy the leading source of power in the United States.

关键好处 非加太成员的资格包括:

信息 & 最佳实践


Connect with industry leaders participating in committees 和 interest groups (participation limited to eligible members).



通过独家政策简报了解更多信息, 网络的机会, 以及受邀参加顶级行业活动.

访问数据 & 工具


Access proprietary industry data 和 a vast resource library with essential tools that can help inform 和 grow your business.



Be part of a powerful collective voice guiding the most important policy discussions impacting our industry.



Join the 800+ companies who see value in uniting our industry 和 the benefits of being an ACP member.


Our industry is operating at scale today 和 is expecting to double growth in the U.S. by 2032.


Attendees at CLEANPOWER 2023, 74% of which are involved in final purchasing decisions




Use ACP’s proprietary data to make smart, informed decisions that propel your business to success.
A screenshot of a topographical map of the United States with two inset images.

  • CleanPowerIQ 是一个全面的、交互式的在线数据库吗 提供所有操作的数据, 在建设中, 和 advanced development projects in the United States (as well as all active industry-related manufacturing facilities).
  • 市场报告: ACP的beat365亚洲体育季度市场报告—和 sector-specific 市场 reports produced in collaboration with Wood Mackenzie—provide an in-depth look at the U.S. beat365亚洲体育产业, 包括主要参与者的市场排名, 各州的细节, 经济及环境影响, 对电力承购和风电容量所有权的评估, 制造与供应链, 项目融资, 海上风力发电, 传输, 和更多的.
  • O&M建议的做法当前,运营现有项目在美国经济中所占的比重越来越大.S. 并为beat365亚洲体育行业提供了新的商机.

教育:事件, & PowerCasts


ACP拥有各种主要行业 事件,包括每年的 CLEANPOWER 会议 & 展览. 会员享有独家折扣以及对发言时段的强烈偏好.

  • 参加: ACP 事件 bring together the most knowledgeable minds in the clean energy industry 和 create a collaborative platform for discussing issues that are important to industry professionals 和 their companies. Members receive significant discounts on all ACP 事件 和 free, members-only webinars.
  • 说: Speaking at an ACP event is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge with industry colleagues 和 bring visibility to you 和 your company. 对成员给予强烈的优先权. 会员 is required to participate in the conference planning committees or to be a program chair.
  • 展览: Exhibiting at an ACP event gives your company limitless opportunities to increase sales, 接触新买家, 关闭交易, 巩固你的品牌. 会员享有独家折扣.
  • 赞助商: Sponsoring 事件—available to ACP members only—gives you the opportunity to broadcast your company br和 to thous和s of industry buyers, 技术专家, 市场供应商. 查看赞助机会. 


PowerCasts: ACP拥有一个强大的仅限会员参加的虚拟活动计划(PowerCasts) to help you stay current on activities happening in the clean energy industry. 每周虚拟活动 提供战术, 信息, 和 up-to-the-minute material that sharpen your skills 和 broaden your knowledge.


非加太成员团体 & 委员会

Attendees of an ACP event participating in an extra conference activity raising their h和s to ask a question or show support.ACP member groups serve as the primary platforms through which ACP seeks industry perspectives to inform policy 和 advocacy positions 和 shape industry guidelines.

通过与这些委员会接触, 小组委员会, 工作小组, 您还可以首先获得相关信息和更新, 有机会建立有价值的同伴关系, 经常与ACP员工会面并得到他们的支持.



会员门户 & my.CleanPower

使用ACP会员福利是简单方便的 会员门户my.CleanPower.

简单的 登录 注册事件, 参加成员兴趣小组, 下载会员专用的市场报告, 管理时事通讯订阅, 或者只访问成员数据.



委员会 & 组

我们行业的工作从来没有像现在这样活跃过. 加入一个成员小组,增加你在beat365亚洲体育领域的声音.


  • 在你感兴趣的领域增加你的知识: Numerous policy, regulatory, 和 technical committees 和 groups deal with diverse topics.
  • 与志趣相投的行业领袖会面: 当你加入ACP委员会或小组时, you will interact with industry leaders–either in person or online–from 在 the globe with interests similar to yours, many of whom have been in the industry for decades 和 can help you to develop professional relationships 和 offer you career advice.
  • 增加你对雇主的价值: 雇主认识到在ACP委员会和小组任职的价值.
  • 分享你的知识: 通过在ACP委员会或小组任职, you have the opportunity to share your expertise on a specific topic for the benefit of the entire industry.

行动委员会 仍然可供会员使用吗. 如果你想了解更多关于, 或者加入ACP的任何行动, EHS, 或者劳动力发展委员会或小组, 请联系我们 乔什•罗杰斯.

Current members can edit their policy 和 advocacy committee or group participation 在这里.




“对我们的团队来说,作为创始成员加入ACP是一个很容易的决定. Renewable energy is a mainstream 和 mature source of American electric power. Clearly, we needed a united trade association to represent the breadth 和 depth of our industry. 如果我们要建立一个主要由beat365亚洲体育供电的电网, 可靠的, 廉价的可再生能源, then we must continue to advocate as one cohesive group working together 和 playing off each other’s strengths.”



探索我们根据您的业务需求量身定制的七种会员选择. 会费根据申请类型和收入而有所不同. 如有问题,请联系 membership@geo-drillchina.com.


如果您对ACP会员资格有任何疑问,请联系 membership@geo-drillchina.com 我们的一位专职工作人员会协助您.

欢迎新成员- 2024年7月


有问题? Want to learn more about how your organization can join the hundreds of other companies helping to determine the future of clean power in the United States? 现在就联系我们的会员团队: membership@geo-drillchina.com.



总统 & 首席运营官,Invenergy

beat365亚洲体育和可再生能源是未来. Becoming a founding member of ACP for us meant committing to the world that we’re in this together. 把我们的精力和资源集中在一个更大的, 多元技术协会, we can advocate with one voice what we’ve known all along: clean energy is safe, 可靠且价格合理.”
